Your Internet Guide to the resources devoted to serving older adults on
Cape Cod and the Islands.
50 Essential Things to Do
by Greg Anderson, O. Carl Simonton
Paperback - 208 pages
Plume; ISBN: 0452280745
This definitive guide, revised and updated with over 25% new material, empowers cancer patients and their loved ones to move beyond their disease. Greg Anderson, a cancer survivor, has designed this book for the recently diagnosed, those with recurring symptoms, and those who are well but have a lingering fear that the disease may strike again.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer:
A Survivor's Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins
by Marisa Weiss (Author), Ellen Weiss (Author)
Paperback - 544 pages
Three Rivers Press; ISBN: 0812930665
This book deftly and with compassion maps out a guide for going back to a "normal" life: for handling fears of recurrence and worries that family members will develop breast cancer and for managing physical posttreatment problems, including the lingering side effects of radiation, fertility difficulties, changes in sex drive, and feelings of unattractiveness.
Surviving Cancer Emotionally: Learning How to Heal
by Roger Granet (Author)
Paperback - 240 pages
John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 047138741X
Inspiration and Information to Help You Cope With the Emotional Effects of Cancer. Written with compassion and clarity, Surviving Cancer Emotionally reveals how we can cope with a devastating illness and turn it into a positive catalyst for embracing life.
After Stroke:
Enhancing Quality of Life
by Wallace Sife (Editor)
Paperback - 226 pages (April 1998)
Haworth Pr; ISBN: 0789003414
This is the first (and only, so far) book that gives the perspectives of everyone involved when someone has a debilitating stroke. It is a
surprisingly well-organized collection of essays from individual doctors, medical personnel, caregivers -- through to the stroke patient, himself.
Living Creatively With Chronic Illness:
Developing Skills for Transcending the Loss, Pain, and Frustration
by Eugenie G. Wheeler
Paperback (June 1989)
Pathfinder Pub; ISBN: 0934793174
Living Creatively with Chronic Illness: Developing Skills for Transcending the Loss, Pain and
Frustration is a self-help book specifically designed to help the chronically ill, their families, friends,
counselors, medical personnel, and the clergy. Living Creatively with Chronic Illness has examples
and profiles of exceptional physically challenged people who have transcended the pain and fear that
chronic illness brings.
Getting Back to Normal When You Have Cancer
by Marion Morra, Eve Potts (Contributor)
Paperback - 297 pages (February 1990)
Avon Books (Pap Trd); ISBN: 0380755033
In a question and answer format, Triumph explores the very real fears and anxieties cancer patients feel about the physical, sexual, and emotional
changes they undergo. Includes information on nutrition, biofeedback and alternative methods of reinforcing conventional medical treatment.
I Can Cope; Staying Healthy with Cancer
by Judi Johnson, Linda Klein
Paperback 2 edition (February 1994)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471347396
Arthritis: A Take Care of Yourself Health Guide for Understanding Your Arthritis
by James F. Fries
Paperback - 319 pages, 4th edition (Jan 1995)
Perseus Pr; ISBN: 0201409178
In this completely updated edition of Arthritis, Dr. Fries draws on new research to recommend exercises, discusses new arthritis drugs,
and for the first time addresses fibromyalgia. This thorough guidebook with easy-to-use charts has been recommended by the Arthritis Foundation as a
reference for its trainers. |
Breast Cancer
by Lucille M. Pederson, Janet M. Trigg
Hardcover (April 1995)
Bergin & Garvey; ISBN: 0897892933
"All aspects of breast cancer are covered, including its medical basis; effects on the patient; and effects on husbands, children and relatives.
Names and addresses of sources of information are provided,; glossary.
Diabetes: 50 Essential Things to Do
by Diana Tonnessen
Paperback - 230 pages (Aug 1996)
Plume; ISBN: 0452276209
Medical writer Diana Tonnessen reveals that - contrary to popular belief -- the recommendations for staying healthy for people with diabetes are
no different from those who do not have the disease. The key is knowing the facts -- and this essential resource is packed with the most current
medical information available. |
Parkinson's Disease: The Complete Guide for Patients and Caregivers
by A.N. Lieberman (Editor), Frank L. Williams
Paperback - 270 pages (Feb 1993)
Fireside; ISBN: 0671768190
In a clear and sympathetic way, doctors amd others who have worked with Parkinson's patients discuss the physical and emotional aspects of the disease, offering information on how Parkinson's manifests itself, the pros and cons of various medications, recent advances in alternative treatments, as well as listing support groups nationwide.
Living Well With Parkinson's
by Glenna Wotton Atwood, Lila Green Hunnewell
Paperback - 208 pages (Jan 1991)
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471525391
In this inpsiring, informative book, well-known Parkinsonian advocate Glenna Atwood, offers her intimate, informative prescriptions
for living well with Parksinson's disease. Living Well with Parkinson's offers new hope to the millons of Parkinsonians and the equal number
of doctors, nurses, and loved one who care for them. |
Cancer As a Turning Point:
A Handbook for People With Cancer, Their Families, and Health Professionals
by Lawrence LeShan
Paperback - 256 pages Rev edition (August 1994)
Plume; ISBN: 0452271371
Widely considered the father of mind-body therapy, LeShan has spent more than 35 years working with cancer patients. In this book, he presents 29
exercises that involving reflection, discussion and writing that are designed to help cancer patients define their goals and questions and come to
terms with their fears.
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