Your Internet Guide to the resources devoted to serving older adults on
Cape Cod and the Islands.

Elder Services
For the latest on everything Elder Services has to offer, visit their website   Take a Tour
Tour Elder Services

Old Colony Elder Services
144 Main Street
P.O. Box 4469
Brockton, MA 02301

(serving Plymouth and Wareham)

Elder Services of the Cape & Islands, Inc.
Main Office:
68 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660


Elder Services Inc.

Elder Services Inc. is dedicated to assisting seniors to remain secure and independent in their own homes through the provision of health and home management services.

Elder Services is a private, non profit organization funded in part by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

Elder Services Programs

Family Caregiver Support Program

The Caregiver Program at Elder Services is designed to support caregivers through information, advocacy, and education. The primary goal of the program is to connect caregivers to existing community services that meet their needs, and support the needs of their care recipients. Frequently Asked Questions
Brochure: Page 1 - Page 2
Intake and Referral (I & R)

The I & R staff provides information and facilitates service for seniors and those (families, friends, other agencies) concerned with the welfare of seniors. Each call to I & R is assessed to ascertain how Elder Services or other community resources might best be used to provide needed assistance.

Case Management

Case Managers assess the needs of seniors, identify problem areas and develop a service plan which will enable them to remain secure and independent in their own homes. Services authorized by Case Managers include:
  • Homemaking
  • Personal Care
  • Chore
  • Transportation
  • Social Day Care
  • Adult Day Health
  • Respite
  • Emergency Shelter

Elder Services provides nutritionally sound meals and the opportunity for socialization at many congregate meal sites throughout the service area.

The MEALS ON WHEELS program provides meals to home bound elders.

Coordination of Care

The Health Coordination Unit works with Case Managers to access health resources for frail elders. The unit also conducts formal 'screenings' to determine eligibility for nursing home admission or participation in Adult Day Health programs.

Protective Services

The purpose of Protective Services is to prevent, eliminate or remedy situations involving physical and/or psychological abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of the elderly.

Senior Employment and Volunteers

Elder Services maintains the capability to provide seniors with meaningful employment and volunteer opportunities in service to the community and elderly service network.


Senior Pharmacy Program

Elder Resources

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